I really wanted to like this book - horses and history, two of my favorite topics, but I don't recommend it.
A geography class with horses in it would have captured my attention as a kid! I hope Horseography does the same for people today—young and old.
Farley uses an abundance of exclamation points which suits the exaggerated events in the book. It features a male main character which is rare for this genre.
While the book has accurate horse information, there's not much of a story, and it contains other questionable parts. Not a book I would recommend for kids.
A bit slow and not terribly exciting, but it does have accurate horse information and almost no objectionable content. Young, horse-crazy girls may enjoy it.
Was this book actually written for children? It's full of profanities and unnecessarily graphic descriptions. Read my review and decide for yourself.
Books can be influential in shaping the hearts and minds of young people. The Bible cautions us to be careful what we think about, that includes the books we read.
Create your own horse unit study totally free with these resources based on the first book in the Sonrise Stable series - Rosie and Scamper.
Misty of Chincoteague is one of the most popular horse books for children. Is it appropriate for your child to read? Check out this review for my thoughts.
Learn about the Chincoteague pony roundup, pony swim, foal auction, and the "wild" ponies in this course on the popular children's book, Misty of Chincoteague.
What is a Christian horse devotional? Are there Christian and non-Christian horses? Do horses "speak" to us, revealing secret insights from God?
I could get past horses behaving in extremely non-equine ways, but the typical, modern portrayal of children as smarter than their parents is a deal breaker for me.
Christian Black Beauty? The book by Anna Sewell? Do you have to buy a special edition of Black Beauty to get the Christian version?
Learn about horses, Victorian England, the author Anna Sewell, and her Christian beliefs in this interactive course on the best-selling book, Black Beauty.
Write what you love, and you'll love to write! This video course includes information and techniques I've learned while writing the Sonrise Stable series.
Two activity books are available full of horsey info and activities to accompany the Sonrise Stable series of Christian horse books.
As a grandmother, I've been on the lookout for good, Christian books for toddlers. I really like these two books by Ellie Holcomb—and so does my granddaugher!
I bought a cute (so I thought) touch and feel animal book for my granddaughter. Then I had a closer look. :(
Dangerous Sonrise Stable and other horse books banned by Facebook!
Check out my article, Horses and Homeschoolers, in the Winter 2020 issue of The Old Schoolhouse magazine!
I wasn't aware that Barron Trump was a rider or even liked horses. Regardless, in July of 2019, he was given a Mongolian horse as a gesture of good will.
Toby was due for some spring cleaning. He got a haircut (bridle path), detangling session, manicure, and a start on removing his shaggy winter coat!
I wanted the final book to be the best of the series. A natural followup to book 9, the theme is the 2nd greatest commandment - to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Remember Hannah and Dusty from Outward Appearances? The real -ife Hannah is training a BLM Mustang to compete in the Mustang Challenge at Equine Affaire.
In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God.
As Ye Would Have Men Do to You
Human kids aren't the only ones who enjoy riding ponies. :)
Oops, sorry Mom!
Although this is obviously an attempt at humor, unfortunately there's too much truth in this photo.
Two little cowboys cute beyond words!
Trio of donkeys offering a greeting.
Precarious load of hay :)
Females are involved with horses in much greater numbers than males. Studies suggest 90% of those participating in horse activities are female. Any ideas why?
The new series has good themes for younger readers, but I can't get past the foolish, dangerous things done with the horses. The dad is portrayed unfavorably.
It wasn’t a totally satisfying conclusion. I was hoping for more of a "happily-ever-after" ending, but it is only a book after all, and the characters aren’t real.
Winnie’s difficulties working with the foal and Amigo in this book are puzzling since she was portrayed in the first book as able to tame a wild horse in a week.
Winnie rushes home expecting to find something wrong with her horse. She finds Nickers is fine, but discovers a sickly horse in the pasture.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds Hebrews 10:24
These two seem perfectly suited to each other. What a great little pony.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you Isaiah 43:2
Sardinian (or Sicilian) donkeys originated in Sardinia, an island in the Mediterranean west of Italy.
“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12
I've heard of cat naps, but this donkey seems to be comfy taking his donkey nap.
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36
Perhaps these two should take it easy on the McDonalds? :)
A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. Proverbs 15:13
Horse-powered skateboarding. If I was a few years younger, I'd love to give this a try.
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17
The horsey version of Charles Schultz's cartoon character, Pig Pen.
A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24